2015- Floridsdorf, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Platform of U6 terminus station Floridsdorf
- Neue Donau, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Daylight side platforms of U6 station Neue Donau
- Handelskai, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Passage to conventional trains of ÖBB at U6 station Handelskai
- Dresdner Straße, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Functional illumination of U6 station Dresdner Straße
- Route display of U6 line at Dresdner Straße station
- Jägerstraße, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Escalators and lift at U6 station Jägerstraße
- Spittelau, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Staircase to the platform of U6 line at Spittelau
- Nussdorfer Straße, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Train of U6 line arriving daylight station Nussdorfer Straße
- Währinger Straße – Volksoper, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- View of the opposite platform of U6 daylight station Währinger Straße – Volksoper
- View through the window of U6 daylight station Währinger Straße – Volksoper
- Michelbeuern – AKH, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- U6 station Michelbeuern – AKH
- Schedule and regional map of U6 station Michelbeuern – AKH
- Alser Straße, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Seating accommodation of U6 daylight station Alser Straße
- End of the daylight platform of U6 station Alser Straße
- Josefstädter Straße, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Staircase to side platforms of U6 daylight station Josefstädter Straße
- Thaliastraße, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Ticket machine and regional map at U6 station Thaliastraße
- Burggasse – Stadthalle, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Side platforms of U6 station Burggasse – Stadthalle
- Westbahnhof, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Escalators and passage to U3 line from U6 station Westbahnhof
- End of the platform of U6 station Westbahnhof
- Gumpendorfer Straße, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Historic daylight station Gumpendorfer Straße
- View through the window of daylight U6 station Gumpendorfer Straße
- Längenfeldgasse, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Trains of U4 and U6 line meeting each other at Längenfeldgasse station
- Niederhofstraße, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Symmetry of the island platfor of U6 station Niederhofstraße
- Staircase of U6 station Niederhofstraße
- Bahnhof Meidling, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Escalators leading from the intermediate storey down the platforms of U6 station Bahnhof Meidling
- Tscherttegasse, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Train of U6 line having arrived Tscherttegasse station
- Am Schöpfwerk, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- Side platforms of U6 station Am Schöpfwerk
- Alterlaa, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- The 1970’s bull-eyed chique of U6 station Alterlaa
- The U6 station Alterlaa
- Erlaaer Straße, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- The U6 station Erlaaer Straße
- Perfektastraße, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- The “perfect” charme of the side platforms of U6 station Perfektastraße
- Siebenhirten, Vienna, U6 line (brown)
- The most interesting detail of U6 station Siebenhirten
2015- Heiligenstadt, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Symmetry of island platform at U4 terminus station Heiligenstadt
- Spittelau, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Escalators and passage to U6 line at U4 station Spittelau
- View along the platform of U4 station Spittelau
- Train of U4 line leaves Spittelau station
- Friedensbrücke, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Design of the island platform of U4 station Friedensbrücke
- Rossauer Lände, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Ticket stamper at the entrance to side platforms of U4 station Roßauer Lände
- Schottenring, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Exposed concrete construction and cut-outs for daylight at passage from U4 station Schottenring to U2 line
- Ceiling made of exposed concrete spans the passage from U4 station Schottenring to U2 line
- Schwedenplatz, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Landstrasse, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Dark tunnel tube and island platform of U4 station Landstraße
- Stadtpark, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Side platforms of historically designed U4 station Stadtpark
- Karlsplatz, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Seating accommodation at U4 station Karlsplatz
- Ceiling construction at U4 station Karlsplatz
- Intermediate storey of U4 station Karlsplatz and passage to U1 line
- Kettenbrückengasse, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Interior of a coach of Vienna’s subway
- Pilgramgasse, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Margaretengürtel, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Längenfeldgasse, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Coach of the Vienna Subway
- Meidling Hauptstraße, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Island platform of U4-station Meidling Hauptstraße
- Schönbrunn, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- View of the opposite side platform of U4 station Schönbrunn
- Hietzing (zoological garden), Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Above-ground side platform of U4 station Hietzing
- Braunschweiggasse, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Side platforms of above-ground U4 station Braunschweiggasse
- Unter St. Veit, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- End of the platforms at U4 station Unter St. Veit
- Ober St. Veit, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Hütteldorf, Vienna, U4 line (green)
- Entrance of U4 station Hüttelsdorf
2015- Simmering, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Island platform of U3 terminus station Simmering
- Enkplatz, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Platform and dark tunnel tube of U3 station Enkplatz
- Entrance hall of U3 station Enkplatz
- Zippererstraße, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Exit and entrance of U3 station Zippererstraße
- Connecting passage between platforms of U3 station Zippererstraße
- Gasometer, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- View of the opposite side platform of U3 station Gasometer
- Side platforms of U3 station Gasometer
- Erdberg, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Island platform of U3 station Erdberg
- Schlachthausgasse, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Kardinal-Nagl-Platz, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Symmetry of the island platform of U3 station Kardinal-Nagl-Platz
- Ceiling of the island platform at U3 station Kardinal-Nagl-Platz
- Rochusgasse, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Escalators and lift of U3 station Rochusgasse
- Landstraße, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Stubentor, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Escalator of U3 station Stubentor
- Dark tunnel tube and side platform of U3 station Stubentor
- Stephansplatz, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Side platform and train of U3 line at Stephansplatz station
- Herrengasse, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Staircase and lift of U3 station Herrengasse
- Volkstheater, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Illustrated ceiling construction at U3 station Volkstheater
- Neubaugasse, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Zieglergasse, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Entrance area of U3 station Zieglergasse
- Westbahnhof, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Central aisle of U3 interchange station Westbahnhof
- Schweglerstrasse, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Connection passage between platforms of U3 station Schweglerstraße
- Escalators and stairs at U3 station Schweglerstraße
- Johnstraße, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Dark tunnel tube and platform of U3 station Johnstraße
- Hütteldorfer Strasse, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Staircase of U3 station Hütteldorfer Straße
- Kendlerstraße, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- Platform of U3 station Kendlerstraße
- Island platform and dark tunnel tube of U3 station Kendlerstraße
- Ottakring, Vienna, U3 line (orange)
- View of the opposite side platform of U3 terminus station Ottakring
2015- Seestadt, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Island platform of Seestadt, one of the terminus stations of U2 line
- Aspern Nord, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Mural and map of Vienna city inside U2 station Aspern Nord
- Interior of U2 station Aspern Nord
- Steel and glass form the ceiling of U2 station Aspern Nord
- Hausfeldstraße, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Symmetry of the island platform of U2 station Hausfeldstraße
- Exit and entrance of U2 station Hausfeldstraße
- Aspernstraße, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Architecture of U2 station Aspernstraße
- Donauspital, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Exit and entrance of U2 station Donauspital
- Hardeggasse, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Staircase to access the platform of U2 station Hardeggasse
- Stadlau, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Train having arrived U2 station Stadlau
- Donaustadtbrücke, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- View along the side platforms of U2 station Donaustadtbrücke
- Donaumarina, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Glass and steel architecture of the staircase leading to platform of Donaumarina station
- Side platforms of U2 station Donaumarina
- Stadion, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Platforms of U2 station Stadion
- Platforms of U2 station Stadion
- Krieau, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Messe – Prater, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Symmetry and daylight cut-outs of U2 station Messe – Prater
- Praterstern, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Staircase to access the platforms of U1 line at Praterstern station
- Taborstraße, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Connection between the platforms of U2 station Taborstraße
- Escalator of U2 station Taborstraße
- Schottenring, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Passage tunnel from U2 station Schottenring to U4 line
- Access to platform of U2 station Schottenring
- Schottentor, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Stairs to intermediate storey of U2 station Schottentor
- Ceiling of U2 station Schottentor
- Rathaus, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Side platform and dark tunnel of U2 station Rathaus
- Ticket stampers at the entrance of U2 station Rathaus
- Volkstheater, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Side platforms of U2 station Volkstheater
- Public phones at U2 station Volkstheater
- Museumsquartier, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Interior design of the side platforms of U2 station Museumsquartier
- Karlsplatz, Vienna, U2 line (purple)
- Exit of U2 terminus station Karlsplatz
2015Oh oh, using football slang photographing the Vienna subway was nothing but a hard-fought victory, a mere 1:0 as the wall panels being developed in the 1970s by AGU (architect group underground) plus the standardised construction method let almost every underground station appear the same way, that is cool and tiled like a slaughterhouse. Actually this U-Bahn (underground) should be an O-Bahn (overground) as most of its station and rails are above ground, but since Vienna is a European capital its subway is automatically part of this project.
The subway boasts with the architectural charme of the 1970s and its colouring is also not really exiciting as, unlike Berlin, stations do not have a colour code like Rosenthaler Platz or Jannowitzbrücke. Only the colour of the line can be found as a central theme framing the stations. It’s a pity that most of the stations signs are mounted on the dark tunnel walls being completely unilluminated hence dark.
I am honest, driving the whole network of the Vienna subway wasn’t really fun as all stations appear the same, what kills enthusiam as well as creativity and I was really thinking if I should wear bear goggles at the latest when driving along the parade of above-ground stations with its small side platforms in a 10-minute cycle. To boot pretty differently mounted stations signs didn’t allow me to photograph the names of the stops in the usual standardised manner, unfortunately.
The whole photo series was created solely using the prime lens Sigma 24mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art.
2015- Leopoldau, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Platform of U1 line station Leopoldau
- Großfeldsiedlung, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Information board of Großfeldsiedlung station
- Aderklaaer Straße, Wien, Linie U1 (rot)
- Symmetry of U1 station Aderklaaer Straße
- Rennbahnweg, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Kagraner Platz, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Elevators of U1 station Kagraner Platz
- Kagran, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Staircase building of U1 station Kagran
- Alte Donau, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- View of the side platforms of U1 station Alte Donau
- Kaisermühlen, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Finest 1970’s architecture graces U1 station Kaisermühlen
- Side platform of U1 station Kaisermühlen (Vienna International Center)
- Donauinsel, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Side platform of U1 station Donau Insel
- Vorgartenstraße, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Ticket stamping machine at U1 station Vorgartenstraße
- Information board and ticket machine at U1 station Vorgartenstraße
- Praterstern, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Passage to U2 line at U1 station Praterstern
- Entrance of U1 line in the intermediate storey of Praterstern station
- Nestroyplatz, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Island platform of U1 station Nestroyplatz
- Schwedenplatz, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Escalators and interchange from U1 line to U4 at Schwedenplatz station
- Stephansplatz, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Escalator from intermediate storey of Stephansplatz station to U1 platform
- Karlsplatz, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Train ready to depart from Karlsplatz station
- Passage to the elevators to opera building inside U1 station Karlsplatz
- Taubstummengasse, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Direction indicator and departure information of U1 station Taubstummengasse
- Entrance and exit of U1 station Taubstummengasse
- Südtiroler Platz, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Tunnel passage to elevators of U1 station Südtiroler Platz
- Keplerplatz, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Symmetry of the platform of U1 station Keplerplatz
- Reumannplatz, Vienna, U1 line (red)
- Train of U1 line arrives its terminus Reumannplatz